Crew 224's
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Venturing Crew 224
(Canyon Hills, Canyon Lake, Wildomar, California)
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Why Crew 224?

Venturing Crew 224 - Canyon Hills, Canyon Lake & Wildomar - California Areas

Why should you join or participate in Venturing Crew 224?

Crew 224 is dedicated to helping the Young Men between 14-18 in the Canyon Hills, Canyon Lake & Wildomar CA areas have a group of like minded scouters who will support and serve each other and the community by implementing the Venturing BSA Program combined with learning by faith and by action!!

Venturing Crew 224 is sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as the official Chartered Organization of the BSA.

To learn more about our Crew or to visit us during one of our Crew activities please contact Crew Advisor Justin Welch at (951) 543-6702 or email

Thank you for your interest in Venturing Scouting and we hope to Adventure soon!! :)

Justin Welch
Crew 224 Advisor